Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just to Know: Cybernetic Organism

A Cybernetic Organism or Cyborg is a being with both organic and cybernetic parts. This is an organism that has abilities that have been enchanced, because of technology. Not only in your mammals can there be a cyborg. But also in networks like your, road systems, corporations and government. 

There are cyborgs all around us. Anything or anyone that uses a mechanical parts to enhance the body's natural mechanisms. 
The beginning of Cyborg creation began when HCI (human-computer interaction) began. The word Cyborg is a noun and was first used in 1960, it is a blend of the first elements cybernetic (1951, back-formation from cybernetics. Greek kybernetikos meant "good at steering.") and organism .

Cyborgs exist; 10% of the U.S. population are estimated to be cyborgs in the technical sense, including people with electronic pacemakers, artificial joints, drug implant systems, implanted corneal lenses, and artificial skin. You have your contact lenses, hearing aids, and intraocular lenses. A greater percentage are in occupations that make them into metaphoric cyborgs (computer keyboarder joined in a cybernetic circuit with the screen, the neurosurgeon guided by fiber optic microscopy during an operation, and the teen gameplayer in the local videogame arcarde.)
Cyborg can run into the class of many things:

Biomedical Engineering
Brain-Computer Interface
Distributed Cognition
Genetic Engineering
Human Ecosystem
Human Enhancement
Intelligence Amplification

  • Whole Brain Emulation

Whole brain emulation; Mind uploading & Mind transfer
The process of transferring or copying a conscious mind from a brain to a non-biological substrate by scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another computational device.
 The simulated mind is assumed to be part of a virtual reality simulated world, supported by an anatomic 3D body simulation model. Alternatively, the simulated mind could be assumed to reside in a computer inside (or connected to) a humanoid robot or a biological body, replacing its brain.
Among futurists and within the transhumanist movement it is an important proposed life extension technology.
Mainstream research and development are being done in relevant areas including development of faster super computers, virtual reality, brain-computer interfaces, animal brain mapping and simulation, connectomics (a neural imaging and histological technique to increase the speed, efficiency, and resolution of maps of the multitude of neural connections in a nervous system.) and information extraction from dynamically functioning brains.

There Are Theory Benefits of Whole Brain Emulation

In theory, if the information and processes of the mind can be disassociated from the biological body, they are no longer tied to the individual limits and lifespan of that body.

Speed Up
A computer-based intelligence such as an upload could potentially think much faster than a human even if it were no more intelligent. Human neurons exchange electrochemical signals with a maximum speed of about 150 meters per second.
A massively parallel implementation would require separate computational units for each of the eighty-six billion neurons and each of the eighty-six trillion synapses.This would need an enormously large computer or artificial neural network in comparison with today's super-computers.

Space Travel
Interstellar space travel would allow immortal beings to travel the cosmos without suffering from extreme acceleration. A whole society of uploads can be emulated by a computer on a very small spaceship, similar to a space probe, that would consume much less fuel and may accelerate much more than space travels for biological humans. The uploads would have control of the ship and would be able to make decisions about the crafts voyage in real time, independent of signals from Earth, that might eventually take months or years to reach the craft as it journeys out into the cosmos. Because a virtual conscious can be set into a state of hibernation, or slowed down, the virtual minds need not experience the boredom of hundreds if not thousands of years of travel. Instead they would only awake when on board computers detected that the craft had arrived at its destination.
Another possibility for travel would be wireless transmission of a person's brain model between computers on already inhabited locations. Such travel would require only the energy to transmit enough powerful signals suffently long time so that they reach the target destination.
 The travelling time would be a sum of the wave propagation delay (this depends on the distance) and the data transmission delay (on the possible bit rate, this depends on the distance and transmission power); both could constitute several years for inter-stellar travelling. The travelers experienced time from transmitter to receiver would be instantaneous or to be simple instantly.
Cyborg Theory
Cyborg Anthropology

A cyborg anthropologist looks at how humans and non human objects interact with each other, and how that changes culture. Cyborg anthropology is recent it launched at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in 1993. Within the AAA cyborg anthropology is associated with the Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology and Computing (CASTAC).

Cognitive Liberty
Cyborg Feminism
Morphological Freedom

Transhumanism, abbreviated as H+ or h+, is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist study the benefits and dangers of new technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, they also study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.

They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".

Just To Know: Moving Masks, Census Data In Your Hands, and Augmented Games

Moving Inkblot Mask
I wanted to start off with something interesting, yet useless at the same time.
A 100% non toxic fabric inkblot that reacts when you breath. The pattern actually changes around the mouth and nose area.  There are five different masks, and the ink doesn’t move around the eye and temple areas. 

Moving On...
A design firm and a non-profit focusing on government transparency come together, the Sunlight Foundation and designers from IDEO teamed up to create Sitegeist, an app using location-based data to help you understand where you are.
Each location between census data and public APIs from different companies like: Yelp, Foursquare, and Dark Sky. You can put together a  comprehensive profile of a geographic location.
The app (which are available on IOS and androids) uses data and information pulled from a large variety of sources. It allows you to set your location and then go through several screens to see data at your specific location.
When you select a location, the latitude and longitude are passed along with the ID of the pane you want to view. The various geographies are kept track of (census tracts, ZIP codes, etc.), the boundaries of any shape that contains your location is found. 
The screens include: people (median age, age distribution, household income, gender, and political contributions), housing (median home value, average rent, percentage renting v. buying, and commuting patterns), local attractions (popular businesses, local movie theaters, and restaurants), environment (weather), and history (median home age and number of housing units.)

An Augmented Reality Puzzle Game
This is a physical object interaction, the Cude is the controller and the viewer. You use tilt motions, which moves the character through rooms. There are three cubes (levels) in total, each of which are connected by a single door, some doors lead to nowhere, some to traps, and the final door of all three cubes.
You are timed 2 mintues to find the exit.
 If this door is found the character will appear to leave the cube, walk across the table surface and vanish.
The game then begins again.

This uses your computers camera or even external to view a cube, it has markers attached to each side. Without the cameras and computer program it looks like a paper cube.

A camera equivalent to the EyeToy would need to be on each side of the cube in order to track the face of the viewer. Unless the computer can know where the eyes of the viewer are there would be no sense of being able to see around the corner' and therefore no illusion of the rooms being somehow inside the cube. Instead, the player would merely be turning a series of small screens in their hand, each with a 'flat' and unshifting room (ie as static as a printed image).

A solid cube, webcam and a desktop computer...
Thats It!

 More augmented reality games?

Kweekies is a unique Artficial Life games based on Augmented Reality Technology

Created by Int13 the game is marker based, the software uses pattern on a paper to know how the world is oriented.



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just To Know: Agenda 21

Agenda 21, a voluntarily executed action plan of the United Nations with favor to sustainable development, this is an economic development conserved and contained by acceptable levels of global resource depletion and environmental pollution.

 Agenda 21 is a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). In 1992 this was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. An action agenda for the UN, other many-sided organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be implemented at local, national, and global levels.
The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st century.
Agenda 21 has been confirmed and modified at succeeding UN conferences.

Agenda 21 is a 300-page document separated into 40 chapters that have been collected into 4 sections: 

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions

  Combating poverty, particularly in developing countries, altering eating patterns, promoting health, triumphing a more sustainable population, and maintainable settlement in decision making.
Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
·  Atmospheric protection, battling deforestation, protecting fragile environments, protection of biological diversity (biodiversity), control of pollution, controlling of biotechnology and radioactive wastes.
Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
·   Children and youth, women, NGOs (Non-governmental organization), local authorities, business and workers and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
Section IV: Means of Implementation
  • Implementation includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and financial tool

On June 13, 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, 178 governments voted to adopt Agenda 21.

In 2002 The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, agreed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit 2002) affirmed UN commitment to "full implementation" of Agenda 21, alongside achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other international agreements.

In the year 2002, the first World Public Meeting on Culture was held in Porto Alegre, Brazil; it came up with the idea to establish guidelines for local cultural policies, something comparable to what Agenda 21 was for the environment. They are to be included in various subsections of Agenda 21 and will be carried out through a wide range of sub-programs beginning with G8, this is the group of the eight most industrialized nations in the world:

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The representatives from these countries meet regularly to discuss and draw up global economic policies.
In 2012, at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development the attending members reaffirmed their commitment to Agenda 21 called "The Future We Want"

LA21 (Local Agenda 21) was intended to involve action at international, national, regional and local levels.
 Some national and state governments have legislated or advised that local authorities take steps to implement the plan locally, as recommended in Chapter 28 of the document. 

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs' Division for Sustainable Development monitors and evaluates progress, nation by nation, towards the adoption of Agenda 21. The United States is a signatory country to Agenda 21, Agenda 21 is not a treaty, so the Senate is unable to hold a formal debate or vote on it, nor ratified by the Executive branc.h In Congress support of Agenda 21 are (to name a few)  representatives: Nancy Pelosi, Senator John Kerry, and Senator Harry Reid.

In the United States, over 528 cities are members of ICLEI, an international sustainability organization that helps to implement the Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21 concepts across the world.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

H.T.M Store: Now Open in Atlanta, Georgia!

The H.T.M Store in Atlanta, Georgia is now open!
3034 Stone Hogan Connector Rd.
Atlanta 30311 Fulton County
Well located in Southwest Atlanta near I-285 just south of popular Greenbriar Mall
Transit Is Also Available

Traveling From:

MARTA-Five Points Station, [100-127] Alabama St SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

Traveling To:

Walking Instructions From Origin: Start at WALL ST SW (0.12 miles), right at FAIRLIE ST NW (0.05 miles), right at MARIETTA ST NW (0.05 miles), right at FORSYTH ST NW (0.10 miles), continue on FORSYTH ST SW (0.08 miles), left at ALABAMA ST SW (0.04 miles), Arrive Total Distance (0.43 miles).
Walking Instructions To Destination: Start at STONE HOGAN CONNECTOR RD SW (0.08 miles), Arrive Total Distance (0.09 miles).
Step by Step







Transfer to:
LEE ST SW@1356

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just To Know: The Baby & The DNA Testers

In Mankato, Minnesota, Isabel was a month old, her pediatrician told her parents that Isabel carried a gene that put her at risk for cystic fibrosis. Isabel received further testing and she doesn't have the disease; her couple wondered how the doctor knew about Isabel's genes in the first place.

They never agreed to genetic testing.
 Newborn babies in the United States are routinely screened for a panel of genetic diseases. Since the testing is mandated by the government, it's often done without the parents' consent, according to Brad Therrell, director of the National Newborn Screening & Genetics Resource Center.

In many states, like in Florida, where Isabel was born, babies' DNA are stored. Many parents don't realize their baby's DNA is being stored in a government lab, but sometimes they tend to find out. In Texas, and Minnesota; parents have filed lawsuits.
Samples are kept so tests can be repeated, or if DNA is ever needed to help parents identify a missing or passed child, and are also used for medical research, the DNA is also given to outside researchers. Genetic testing for newborns started in the 1960s with testing for diseases and conditions, if undetected, could kill a child or cause severe problems.

Over the years, many other tests were added to the list.

 Now, states mandate that newborns be tested for anywhere, and the DNA samples are stored in state labs from three months and up, depending on the state.

They don't stay in the state labs all the time and are often given to outside researchers, sometimes with the baby's name. More than 20 scientific papers have been published in the United States since 2000 using newborn blood samples.

The researchers do not have to have parental consent to obtain samples as long as the baby's name is not attached. If a researcher wants a sample with a baby's name attached, consent first must be obtained from the parents.
The health insurance that paid for Isabel's genetic screening now has record of her positive test for a cystic fibrosis gene.

  "And let's say in the future they can test for a gene for schizophrenia or manic-depression and your baby tests positive -- that would be on there, too." Mrs. Brown (Isabel's mother).

Along with Minnesota and Texas, the states are required to destroy a baby's DNA sample if a parent asks.
Parents who want their baby's DNA destroyed are to fill a form in Minnesota and in Texas.

It would be a challenge to get the states to destroy your baby's sample.

This project is supported through a cooperative agreement from the Genetic Services Branch of the Maternal Child Health Bureau/HRSA/DHHS.
Genetic Alliance, is in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the Genetics and Public Policy Center.
 There have been no published reports on the misuse of residual dried blood spots. Privacy protections and patient confidentiality rules ensures that blood spots cannot be accessed by a third party, insurers and law enforcement. States continue to make guidelines for the persistent and expanded use of residual samples.
Papers & Reports

Bioethicists are now arguing that blood samples  from newborns have information and  should be made available to scientists, and not necessarily with the consent of the child's parents.

"Retention and use, without explicit parental permission, of residual dried blood samples from newborn screening has generated public controversy over concerns about violations of family privacy rights and loss of parental autonomy," 
-Michelle Huckaby Lewis, Michael E. Scheurer, Robert C. Green and Amy L. McGuire, in an op-ed for the journal Science Translational Medicine.

"The public debate about this issue has included little discussion about the destruction of a potentially valuable public resource that can be used for research that may yield improvements in public health," 

 "The research community must advocate for policies and infrastructure that promote retention of residual dried blood samples and their use in biomedical research."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just To Know: When Does Obssesion Become A Reality?

Obsession: "inappropriate, unwanted, intrusive, recurrent thought."

Obsessions comes in many forms, faces, actions, composed of different situations, and events that may have happened in that person(s) personal affairs or life if you will. But what happens when a obsession becomes a reality to that person(s) life? What happens when this obsessions becomes a influence on other peoples life's, affecting them in a range of many forms, faces, and actions? This is widely in the range of trying to showcase your emotions.
.Could You Say You Have An Obsession?
Just a teeny tiny one?
Could you go so far to obsess over something, an object, a place, a person, or even a creature?
It has its baby steps, at first you reject it and hope no one notices your.....taboo
And then when it goes so far, you let it all out.
Some people confuse about whether its a passion or obsession.
For starters, an obsession is usually an act that you are always (and sometimes uncontrollably) preoccupied with. A passion, on the other hand, is a strong love that can be the pathway to a healthy relationship or to a harmful obsession.
I Asked this Question:
Could You Say You Have An Obsession?
Just a Teeny Tiny One?
For example, do you fall in this category?
Your a workaholic, but you say its for your family or your financial support. You call it passion.
But you don't see the negative aspects of what you re really doing. You are constantly preoccupied and easily agitated.
Obsessing over your work, affecting both your job and social life. While it may have started as a healthy, passionate drive, leading you towards an obsession that leads to failure for your personal life, and slowly reaching a demise in a hoped success.

As I Said There are many forms of obsessions, the greatest one is called:
Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an obsessive-addictive disorder, in which a person becomes overly involved with a celebrity's personal life.
This is a unusual or abnormal to react or act of having a undesirable condition or quality.

There are 3 dimensions to celebrity worship:
entertainment-social, intense-personal, and borderline-pathological.

Entertainment-social: Is seen through many of our youths, and you could say most age ranges. Like fitting in to see whats the new thing, and be with a group to share and talk about their favorite celebs.

Intense-personal: is when you seem to feel how they feel, or want to feel how they feel.

A great example is in the movie:

For many, getting sick is not an ideal unless your not looking forward to work the next day, then the excuse of being sick is worthy of not going in.

Getting sick is very uncomfortable and unpleasant, and surely unless you are someone who intentionally gets sick for the sake of whatever reason, then it must be a bliss.

We should look at the word antiviral, this is a class of medication used for treating viral infections. They do not destroy their target; the pathogen, yet they inhibit their development.

A pathogen (Greek: pathos "suffering, passion" and genes "producer of")
it is a infectous agent (your germ)
Not all pathogens are, in  a word "bad".

There are the
"Three P's" (predators, pathogens, and parasitoids) they serve as natural or introduced biological controls to suppress arthropod pest population.

The Arthropod is your invertebrate animal with a external skeleton. In Greek together means "jointed leg", these are your insects, arachnids (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, etc., and crustaceans.  
Now, Biological Controls are a method of controlling pests (insects, mites,weeds, and plant diseases) by using other living organisms.

Biological Control relies on predation, parasitism, and herbivory or other natural mechanisms, and strongly involves an active human management role.
 There are three basic types of biological pest control strategies: importation (sometimes called classical biological control), augmentation and conservation.

Natural enemies of insect pests, also known as biological control agents, which are your include predators, parasitoids, and pathogens.

They are Viral, Bacterial, Fungal, and even Parasites.
Antiviral drugs are one class of antimicrobial, which is a larger group including your antibiotic or antibacterial, anti fungal and anti parasitic drugs.

It is "relatively" harmless to the host, and used to treat infections, and are distinguished from viricides.
 Viricides are not medication but they do deactivate or destroy virus particles, in or out the body.

In the movie "Antiviral", Lucas Clinic offered obsessive fans to get physically connected to their celeb of their choice.
This is by having that disease the celeb has by injecting it into their own body.

Also for those who want to be more intact with their "idol",
Meat grown from cloned celebrity tissue is sold in restaurants, want some AI sauce with that?

In this movie the main character works at Lucas Clinic, He's also been smuggling select viruses and selling them on the black market. He infects himself with the diseases to get past the security scans, and like any illness he has drug-like side effects, but this time he gets the opportunity to inject himself with a new disease from his favorite celebrity, and with this he injected himself with a virus that killed the celebrity.
This is a over the top range of people who would do something on this level, also in the movie you see another character who has patches of his favorite celebrity skin, on his fore arm.

We could say this is a Intense personal obsession, but it is also a borderline-pathological, uncontrollable behavior and fantasies with scenarios.

We have seen many cases where you can say it goes into magical thinking.

This is where one's thoughts by themselves can bring about the effects in the world or that thinking corresponds with doing it.

Stubbornness comes into the picture, when someone is addicted to drinking, and doesn't admit it. But when pushed in a corner for example drinking and driving and killing someone. Then it comes to light, some people reach the climax of their obsession or addiction and turn back. 

But even that climax, that was there to show a deciding point and help make your decision of stopping or continuing, it fails and you continue.

Until something truly bad happens you have a guilt, you knew that using a used syringe would probably give you a nasty infection that may be permanent, but you just want that heroin, and you do it. You contracted AIDS.

Now your life falls into a deeper hole and it's harder to get out, the helpful advise does no justice and you are stuck within the walls of your emotions.

And yes its unpadded walls now.
Your only comfort in your mind is that person, place, thing or even creature yo have grown attached to.

"I don't care anymore, I'm lost anyway"


"I do it, I want it, and there is no stopping me"

It turns into the mode of a stoic, but yet in fact somewhere someone who is the real you inside is calling out for help and it is being ignored, your emotions cloud the true way of helping heal you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Obsession starts off so small, but can become a real big mess.
You want everyone around you to understand how your mind works and your excuses or "logic" on what or why you feel this way about this person, place, thing, or creature.

Addiction and Obsession....

Many people have their opinion about addiction and obsession, and some are not just cons, they are pros as well.
Productive & Unproductive Obsessions

An unproductive obsession, serves no good purpose  and is linked to anxiety. This is most common type of obsessing people do. You obsess that you haven’t locked your front door, or set the alarm, or washed your hands.
Anxiety kicks in.

 Productive obsessions is our meaning-making efforts.

Productive obsessions are insistent, recurrent thoughts or sets of thoughts, extremely difficult to ignore, that compel one to act, and that connect to one’s goals and values as an active meaning-maker and authentic human being.
The difference between productive obsessions and unproductive obsessions is not noted because psychotherapists see all obsessions as negative. 
 In 1877 a German psychiatrist named Karl Westphal defined obsession:
"Obsessions are thoughts which come to the foreground of consciousness in spite of and contrary to the will of the patient and which he is unable to suppress, although he recognizes them as abnormal and not characteristic of himself."

Positive & Negative Addiction
A positive addiction is one that helps us us and makes our lives much better, and increases our mental strength.
A negative addiction, weakens us, absorbing the strength from  our life, excluding the addiction, which may in fact one day kill us.

William Glasser a psychiatrist once said:
"An addiction can be anything at all that a person chooses to do as long as it fulfills the following six criteria: 
  1. It is something noncompetitive that you choose to do and you can devote an hour (approximately) a day to it.
  2. It is possible for you to do it easily and it doesn't take a great deal of mental effort to do it well. 
  3. You can do it alone or rarely with others but it does not depend upon others to do it. 
  4. You believe that it has some value (physical, mental, or spiritual) for you.
  5.   You believe that if you persist at it you will improve, but this is completely subjective - you need to be the only one who measures that improvement.
  6.     The activity must have the quality that you can do it without criticizing yourself. If you can't accept yourself during this time the activity will not be addicting." 

Yes, Yes, I Did Say When Does It Become A Reality?

Being a Living Barbie Doll

In the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa, a strange new trend has emerged that locals are calling Barbie flu.

Valeria Lukianova, spent hours every day styling herself as a human Barbie. 

As well as the human anime girl; Anastasiya Shpagina
The discovery of Shpagina comes after the "real-life Barbie doll"
The big eyes, tiny nose, tiny lips, pale skin and long bright hair.
There are reports that she is considering plastic surgery so that her eyes can be even bigger and more anime-like.
And Yes Ken Doll included...

This is called the "Barbie Syndrome" is the desire to have a physical appearance and lifestyle representative of the Barbie doll.
 You will see mostly pre-teen and young adult females but is seen to any age group. A person with Barbie syndrome tries to emulate the doll's physical appearance, with the unattainable body proportions

And Last But Not Least...

Bagel Heads

 Bagel head is a type of body modification started in Canada and practiced in the Japanese underground scene. It is a temporary (6-to 24-hour) swelling distortion of the forehead created by a saline drip and often shaped to resemble a bagel or doughnut.
 In 2012, after appearing on a National Geographic TV special, this practice became the subject of sensationalism as news outlets worldwide misleadingly declared it a "Japan trend".
The bagel head procedure was brought to Japan in 2007 by Keroppy Maeda, after he first saw it done in Canada by Jerome Abramovitch. Ever since then he performs it approximately 10 times a year at special occasions: underground fetish parties. The procedure involves the subject taking a 300-400 cc medical-grade saline injection to the forehead over a period of two hours, which is then often given a depression in the center, leading to the "bagel head" name. According to Maeda, "The body absorbs it over time so by the next morning it just goes back to normal".
Omar Ibrahimi, a dermatologist with experience performing saline injections during cosmetic procedures, states that using a saline solution that is too concentrated (hypertonic) could lead to extreme dehydration. Additionally, non-sterile saline solution could potentially lead to a bacterial or fungal infection. Maeda uses medical-grade saline in his practice. Ibrahimi was additionally concerned that repeated injections could lead to the forehead skin sagging - which Maeda says does not happen no matter how many times it is performed.

When speaking of body modifications, obession, and addictions
Look into the film:

American Mary

 In American Mary our main character Mary Mason, an eastern-European medical student, struggles with her finances. Mary finds herself drawn into an underground world of illicit body-modification surgery. You see Beatrice Johnson, who has has been surgically altered to look like Betty Boop. Beatrice introduces Mary to her first real body-modification operation to: Ruby Realgirl, who requests that her sexual organs be sealed shut so that she might fully resemble a doll.
She tells Mary:
 "I’ve never had any of these surgeries to become a sexual one looks at dolls in a sexual manner.... a doll can be naked and never feel shy or sexualised or degraded, that’s what I want."

So when it all goes down, there are so many obsessions, and addictions; that some become a reality.

So when does it become a reality...
Or do you mean your synthetic alternate reality?

When it come into existence for all to see, and know about it.
Then it becomes something not just only you perceive but others...
will it then not only become just your reality, it becomes others, who may share the same situation, while other may not share this reality and it becomes something synthetic.

To each his own....